The second part of Matthew 6:9 reads "...Hallowed be Your name..."
The word "hallowed" (37) in the Greek means: to make clean or holy, sanctified, to render pure. To consecrate, devote, set apart from common to sacred use. To regard and venerate as holy, to hallow (note this can only be accomplished through separation or withdrawal).
When we say "hallowed be Your name" we are basically telling the Lord that we will respect Him above all other things.
We are making a conscious decision, commitment, to place Him in a category all His own.
God gets set apart as holy, while everything else in our life is common.
His opinion matters most to you. His will matters above your own.
What place does God hold in your life today? Is He hallowed and holy or do you treat Him more like a hand-me-down?
When God holds the right position in our lives everything else falls into place.
Your Friend,
Jamie K.
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Photo Credit: Tatianasyrikova from