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Breakfast Friendships

Writer: Jamie KlusacekJamie Klusacek

She sat across from me, looking identical to the picture from her website. Her smile was warm

and inviting—illuminating, really. Her eyes shimmered with hope and expectation, as mine did, relishing the honor of meeting another author who had poured years of creativity into the novel she just released.

(On a side note: I don’t understand how people can write novels. Contemplating each character. Imagining their ever-so-unique qualities. Dreaming up their motives, appearance, and personalities accompanied by an intriguing plot line. All in all, it seems exhausting, miles beyond my area of expertise.)

We had met a handful of times before this, mostly in large settings and only in passing. On this frigid morning, we sat in a small breakfast diner with limited seating. With COVID still in full swing, we had the profound rarity of sitting with no one in our near vicinity, free to speak

our minds openly and transparently.

As we began to talk, she poured out stories of her writing journey. The years it took to compile her novel. The excitement of her launch party and what she is currently dreaming up for her next novel. She even took moments to talk about the courage it took for her to release some things in her life in order to pursue life as an author.

She freely admitted her doubts, worries, and subtle feelings of inadequacy along the journey—which all of us have. Yet as she spoke, all I could see was a strong woman of courage who, with God’s guidance and direction, would make a profound impact on this world. Amidst our

over-easy eggs, onion jam, and smashed avocado toast, my heart began to swell.

“Do you know how courageous you are?” I asked, not expecting an answer in return.

“You are a talented, gifted author who has taken steps in the direction of what God has put in your heart. Rarely do people possess the courage to take steps you have taken. I believe you will look back in five or ten years and be so thankful that you stuck with it. You’ll see what God has done in and through you and be filled with hope for the future.”

I continued to encourage her about God’s best for her life, confident that He would be with her on the journey ahead. With tears in her eyes, she looked at me with all the sincerity she could muster and said, “Thank you. Have you ever considered being a life coach? I almost cried multiple times while you were talking.”

I understood her meaning completely, and in all honesty was humbled and honored by her

comment. Such a gifted woman, with so much ahead of her and God beginning to draw her close to Him.

I walked away from that marvelous morning meal thanking God for the gift of new friendships

and the courage to speak when I could have stayed silent. It takes courage to speak. Especially when you’re unsure if what you say is actually going to be received.

My sweet friend, hear me today. God has given you the amazing ability to speak into the dry areas of people’s lives so that they can live. It’s a gift that is freely given to you. In fact, one of my internal life prayers is that after people leave from being near me, they are filled up, overflowing with life from God.

I know we've been talking about generosity through the lens of what we can give to others. If you haven't realized already, your words are a gift. Get the word of God in your heart. Plant it into your spirit, then sow it into the lives of others.

When you walk into a room, you are a light amplifier, a darkness diffuser. People are better for having known you—their purposes and calling in God having been strengthened and confirmed and full of faith. You can help their value and purpose to collide in such a way that it makes an eternal impact on the lives of those around them.

"Ultimately, it’s God that shines through you, and God absolutely loves to encourage people."

Want to hear more about how scripture relates to this topic. Simply click this link and write "Chapter Fourteen" in the subject line for a free PDF download of Courage to Speak.

Purchase your copy of Courage to Walk today!

Want more resources? Check out this podcast by Joyce Meyer on Getting in the Word. Here she shares about the difference that God's Word has made in her life and the lives of those around her.

Photo Credit: Daniela Constantini from



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© 2025 by Jamie Klusacek

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